Step 1

Identify the issue

During this first step, you will nail down a specific issue you want to tackle with your action.

Climate change crisis, violations of human rights, gender inequalities, unfair working conditions, discrimination in all its forms, food waste, irresponsible consumption, cyberbullying. There are thousands of problems and unjust situations we experience every day, directly or indirectly. So, what can you do to identify the issue you want to tackle? First of all, take a breath! You may feel overwhelmed by a sense of unfairness and get overcome with confusion. What you need to do is to look in your heart and focus on the change you strongly feel you want now. Think big, but don’t forget to get specific. Nobody can solve a problem once and for all, but being a changemaker will undoubtedly give you the unique chance to be a fundamental part of the resolution process by starting from a small change.

Think big, but don’t forget to get specific. Nobody can solve a problem once and for all, but being a changemaker will undoubtedly give you the unique chance to be a fundamental part of the resolution process by starting from a small change.

Be glocal – don’t forget you are a global citizen living in a specific geographic context. That means that although you may not be aware of this, you are already a witness to global problems in your everyday life. Just think of the number of chemical products your parents use at home, the significant energy consumption level at your school or university, the racist or homophobic speech people address to your mate.

So, what can you do? Pick an issue and be part of a memorable change!

  • Have you ever experienced a form of injustice in your life?
  • When was the last time you felt outraged by a thorny situation you directly or indirectly witnessed?
  • Have you ever seen happening something you felt unfair or unjust?
  • Is there something about our contemporary society that makes you feel the urge to act?
  • Have you recently seen a video or listened to a song talking about an injustice that matters to you?
  • Have you ever thought it is outrageous to observe a fossilized
    treatment of certain situations still in the 21st century?


If you feel the need for change, don’t ignore this feeling. Start now, just somewhere, just doing something.


Tackle one issue at a time, and take your time. There is no need to rush.


Be curious, ask questions, get informed, and… don’t forget to have fun!

Her name is Anika and she is a changemaker who had participated in the camp in Lampedusa, where she took part in the march in memory of the 368 migrants who died at sea in a shipwreck off the island’s coast. She felt deeply moved by this experience, so she went back home and decided she would organize a festival at her university to share her experience and educate people about migration. For her, the problematic situation in Lampedusa she witnessed firsthand was the key experience that triggered her urge to get involved in the work with refugees and to raise awareness around their status in our contemporary world.

What do you need to move on?

Before going to the next step it is essential to have completed this step. To know you did, just make sure you identified an issue that really matters to you, which is to say that you feel it very strongly and you are confident with that topic.

Do you think you are ready? Let’s go to step 2 – It’s time to find your comrades-in-arms!